
Monday, March 5, 2012

Design Team Call

Although we have a GREAT line up for guest designers the next few months, Art Glitter is anouncing a Design Design Team call!

Design Team Call for Art Institute Glitter

Art Institute Glitter is now searching for design team members.  We will be selecting people to use our products in designing creative projects to post on Art Glitter as well as your blog, facebook, pinterest  and other social media. We are looking for artists that can create not only paper crafts but also altered arts, mixed media, jewelry, home décor, fabric as well as a nail artist.  

How to apply:

Email the following to &  by Monday, March 26, 2012 at 2:00 PM (EST) if you are auditioning.

*     Full contact information: include your home address, phone number, email address, blog/website address.

*     Tell us what you think are your design strengths.

*     Short Bio

*     Tell us why you want to be on the Art Glitter design team.

*     List any companies that you have designed for in the past or with whom you currently work. Please keep in mind that being on a team past or present is not a requirement.

*     Title this post “Art Glitter Design Team 2012 Audition”. In your email, include the link to your Art Glitter blog post. (You must have a blog in order to audition for our design team.) Please have your post up no later than 2pm (EST) on March  26, 2012. We will be reviewing the blogs at that time and several days following.

*     Anyone is welcome to apply, if you live outside of the United States you will need to pay shipping above what our normal shipping charges are in the US.

We will choose DT member By April 5, 2012 and will announce publicly the design team April 15, 2012.  We ask that you do not spill the beans before the official announcement.  This term will be from May 1, 2012-April 30, 2013.

Question? Email

What we expect from you:

1) 1 year contract beginning May 1, 2012

2) Post three (3) projects per month on your blog and submit two (2) of those to Art Glitter for us to use on our blog and/or website. You must link back to Art Glitter's Web Page/Blog.   You will receive dates that you will be required to post on your personal blog.  Project submissions must include quality images of the project in .jpeg format along with instructions and links for making the project. Your project submissions will be reviewed before posted to the Art Glitter Blog. Post your blog and link on your Facebook, twitter, Pinterest and other social media sources to advertise both yourself and Art Glitter.  (You will receive a writing guideline document to help in your composition and give tips on photographing glitter.)

3) Join in on 2 or 3 blog hops during your 1 year contract.  (First one will be with Want 2 Scrap June 14/15/16 and other dates to be set in the future)

4) Art Glitter Design team member grants permission for Art Glitter to use those projects for display on The Art Glitter Website, Facebook Page, Blog and Pinterest.

5) In the event that you do not complete any of the above requirements Art Glitter has the right to remove you from the design team and fill the position with another candidate on the wait list.

6) Post our widget on your blog with a link to the website and blog. You will receive this at a later date.

7) You will be added to the Art Glitter yahoo group for easy communication, calendar, data base and photo albums. (All projects made will need to be added to your album.)

8) There may be times you are asked to create additional projects for use in the booth for trade shows or in conjunction with cross promotional companies.  We may also request you send some of your projects to us for professional photos for the web.

9) We will need a short bio with photo to place on our site.

10) Not required but requested that you list all the Art Glitter DT links on your blog and comment on other designer’s projects.  This shows a cohesive group and support for each other.

What you can expect from Art Glitter:

1) Send product for your term.  You will receive a “Welcome” shipment of goodies for your first 3 months.  This will include cross promotional products as well.  You will need to list these companies and link them as you use their products.  After that you will get to order items you would like from Art Glitter for your projects.  This will be on the three month basis for $50.  You will receive 25% off and may order additional product at the discounted price. 

2) Art Glitter will promote your blog on our blog and/or website.

Design Team Overview:

The Purpose of being a Design Team member is to promote Art Glitter by using our products in projects that may be posted to the Art Glitter website, blog, Pinterest and your own personal blogs.

Posting Dates:

Posts are to be on Art Glitter blog and your blog by 2 PM EST on date required. If you do not post on time - twice we will  remove you from the design team.  IF there is a problem with any of these days we need to know ASAP. The sooner we know of a problem or conflict the sooner we can address the issue.

PET PEAVE: Posting Late, You can always post a little early if you need to, but please make every effort to have your blog post on time and information sent to me on time for Art Glitter's Blog.

Kristi Parker Van Doren is our Design Team Coordinator.  Please contact her with any questions you have on posting & dates.

There will be a yahoo group where you can ask questions to the group and post photos of your work Art Glitter can then pull photos as needed for promos, blog, facebook etc.  You as the artist will always get credit for your published work.  In addition, if you are published in a national publication you will be paid $10 for a single project, $15 for articles.  IF you have multiple projects in the same publication you will receive a min. of $10 and Art Glitter reserves the right to change the amount on how your project is presented and how prominent Art Glitter products are used.

NOTE: Art glitter will not be held responsible or liable for any claim, loss or expense attributable to any injury, damage or destruction arising out of a Designer’s service for Art Glitter.

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