
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Guest Designers!

We have got some fun coming up for you! Our three guest designers are busy creating some fantastic projects that will knock our socks off!!! We are lucky to have Laura Bray, Linda Hess and Nancy Ward. They will be with us all through June, July and August to heat up your summer crafts room.

They will be sporting this little widget on their own sites to let everyone know that they are truly glitter enthusiasts! (as if you couldn't tell anyway!)

First off let me introduce to you Laura Bray:
Laura Bray is a professional artist, designer and crafter. She lives in Southern California with her husband, daughter and their dog, Jack. She loves having a career doing what she loves and she shares her business knowledge with other artists and crafters so that they can do they too can live and work creatively. For more information about Laura and to sign-up for her free newsletter, visit her website at

Next is Linda Hess.
I have been working with polymer clay since 1994, when I bought a piece from an artist and she allowed me to "pick her brain" about the stuff. I went to the craft shop, bought some, and started on my polymer journey!
Currently I teach polymer clay classes to children in after-school groups and to adults through local bead shops. Their abilities never cease to amaze! I never feel I am going to "work" because I have such fun. I sell my work at craft shows, online, and through local shops. Others have described my work as not fitting into any one niche. I can safely describe my style as multi media/multi-dimensional. I sculpt, cane, quilt, paint, sew, work in paper and scrapbooking...pretty much anything that is asked (Can you??? is a popular question that has only once or twice been answered to the negative).
I am married and have 3 beautiful children.
... By Linda

Then we have Nancy Ward...
I started crafting when I was a child and have never stopped. Through the years, I think I’ve fiddled with just about every craft that’s out there. Some didn’t hold my interest for too long, but paper and fabric have been at the top of my list for years. Although every craft provides an opportunity to grow and learn, patchwork and quilting have provided me with knowledge that has been invaluable in all crafting, and especially in paper crafts.

It’s hardly a surprise that the three books I’ve written, Fabric Painting Made Easy, Stamping Made Easy, and The Complete Guide to Glues & Adhesives, contained patchwork/quilting projects.

In addition to the books, I self-published a quilt making pattern, have written many magazine articles, and have an active blog .

I’ve taught a few thousand hours of classes in topics ranging from patchwork/quilting to fabric painting to stamping to rug braiding to embroidery to Christmas crafts to polymer clay to knitting...and more.

I can’t imagine not crafting…it’s what I do!
Nancy Ward

Thank you for playing with us ladies. The rest of you get ready for a new project later this week!


  1. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment!!! You mentioned putting a link up, I would love to see where that is!! Thank you so much!!!!

  2. Hi Lori, it is on our website home page: Look on the right side and you'll see it in our blog scroll. Great stuff and lots of projects in there!

  3. I'm so honored to be a guest blogger this summer. It's going to be glittery fun!
