Here’s a fun project just in time for Christmas. I made this gingerbread boy Christmas ornament with a Styrofoam gingerbread shape.
The items I used for this project are:
· #D29 Dazzlers Confection Glitter
· Designer Dries Clear Adhesive
· Puffy Pens
· Spice Tan paint from Ceramcoat
· Sculptamold
· Styrofoam gingerbread shape
· One eye pin
· One jump ring
· Apoxie Paste
· A piece of ribbon

First I inserted an eye pin into the top of Styrofoam shape. I used a material called Apoxie Paste to secure the eye pin to the Styrofoam. After the Apoxie Paste hardened, I covered the Styrofoam with the Sculptamold (the red/yellow bag shown in the photo above). This material gives a textured surface, perfect for a cookie texture. When using Sculptamold, you add water to the dry material and then apply the mixture to the surface of your choice. It does not shrink and it is like a combination of working with plaster, papier mache and clay. It can be messy to work with, but that is the fun part.

When I applied the Sculptamold, I added it in sections to the gingerbread shape. First I added it to the front side of the Styrofoam and allowed at least a whole day for it to dry out. After the first side was dry I added the Sculptamold to the second side. Once both sides were covered, I looked over the piece to see if there were any spots I missed. After filling in the bare spots and allowing time for it to dry completely, I painted the surface with a paint color called Spice Tan by Ceramcoat. It’s a perfect color for Gingerbread.

Next I added the frosting details using these paint pens called Puffy Pens. Now that I added the frosting details, the next step was the most important step, adding the Dazzlers #D29 Confection glitter. I squeezed an ample amount of the Designer Dries Clear adhesive to the front side of the gingerbread boy, making sure to avoid covering the frosting details. To help spread out the adhesive, I used a paint brush to cover the entire front surface. And then I sprinkled the Dazzlers Confection glitter over the adhesive. It took awhile for the glue to completely dry and look clear because of the deep textured surface. Prior to applying the adhesive and glitter, the surface looks highly textured, but the glitter and adhesive helps subdue the rough surface and makes it look more “cookie-ish.” I waited in anticipation for the glue to dry so I could see the Dazzlers Confection glitter in its sparkly brilliance.

Once the entire gingerbread piece was covered in the glitter and it had time to dry, I attached a jump ring to the end of the eye pin at the top of the ornament and added a piece of ribbon to hang the ornament with.